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Let the relief begin! Find the best New York therapist for you. Review the profiles below or fill in our 5-minute form to receive personalized therapist matches.
245 providers who match your criteria
"[The practitioner I am working with] was one of the three therapists recommended and I am amazed at how well suited we are for working together. I still can’t fathom how MyWellbeing was able to match us up so quickly and accurately, but I am deeply grateful."
- New York Therapy-goer
"Found the most amazing therapist on my first match, thank you so much for being a resource. It was a HUGE leap for me to consider going to therapy at all and I feel so fortunate to have found such a wonderful [therapist] right off the bat. Probably wouldn’t have made it there without you."
- New York Therapy-goer
How do I find a therapist in New York?
We can match you with a therapist! Simply answer a few questions on our form and we will recommend providers in New York who meet your needs. Next, set up free calls with your matches to figure out which provider is the best fit for you. You can also browse our list of New York therapists and coaches above or check out NY low-fee therapy resources here.
How much does therapy cost in New York?
Therapy requires both an emotional and financial commitment, like any other investment in your growth. The average cost of therapy in New York State is $125 per session, but costs can rise in metro areas like New York City. The average cost of therapy in NYC is $200-250 per session. The therapists and coaches MyWellbeing works with offer fees between $100-350 per session, and you can request a specific fee in our match form. If you cannot afford $100/session, please reach out to for help or find low-fee resources here.
I'm a top therapist or coach in New York! How can I list my practice on MyWellbeing?
Thank you for asking! You can learn more about how to join our community of practitioners here. We help you find the people you are best prepared to support and offer community, training and professional development, speaking opportunities, and other tools and resources to help you grow.